The Kavanaugh Circus

I know, let's do this to the next Supreme Court Nominee. If we want to assess judicial temperament, waterboard the nominee and see if he/she gets mad. If the nominee show a hint of anger or emotion, disqualify them for unacceptable judicial temperament. However, we...

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CNN – Enough Stupid to Go Around

There is plenty of stupid to go around in this media rabid environment. Obviously it has infected the FBI. Forget Jim Comey who was fired, instead take for example Peter Strzok who wasn't. He and Lisa Page are now the world's best known FBI agents. The FBI, the...

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Regulating the English Language

Roseanne Barr was canned this week for tweeting something bad (racist). People never learn, don't twitter in your shorts while downing some brewskies(or pills).  In fact, don't use Twitter, you are just propping up an epic fail company that doesn't deserve a second...

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Mueller vs Starr – Killing all the Lawyers

There are fascinating similarities between the Mueller investigation of Russian Collusion, and the Starr investigation of President Clinton in the nineties. Clearly history repeats itself when it comes to special counsels. In this case I can well understand why the...

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Is There a Deep State? And Why it Matters.

For those that think there isn't a deep state, I understand. It sounds preposterous, right out of a Tom Clancy novel. The term sounds ominous, kind of like the dark web, as if hit men will come and knock on your door. But all it really means is that there are...

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Protectionism, Nationalism and The Globe

Let's get one thing straight. All other countries hate the US - to varying degrees but yes we are hated. Why? Because it is human nature. For too damn long we have done it better, outproduced, accumulated wealth and simply lived better as a society than everyone in...

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The Facebook Experiment

Facebook used to be a nice idea until it got caught up in a big problem: politics. Well ok, politics is just part of their bigger problem which is life on the internet. Now that news travels faster than ever, it pollutes Facebook faster than pictures of grandma or...

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The Thirteen Indictments – Takeaways

A fascinating twist in the world of Russian collusion has just happened from the oddest of sources, the Mueller investigation. After a year of bizarre back and forth with the likes of CNN and the NYTimes in one corner painting Trump as the antichrist and conservative...

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The Year in Trump

It doesn’t matter if you voted for Clinton or voted for Trump. The political world as we know it has now changed and not necessarily for the better. What used to be a relatively docile political climate under a very restrained President Obama, is now the wild wild west.

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Happy New Year 2018, The New World in Business Models

As the new year blasts into reality for 2018, I'm going to try and write a good deal more in blog posts for the coming year having to do with many things including genealogy, the stock market, leveraged buyouts and politics. Now why leveraged buyouts? Well leverage...

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